Give the gift of health! Help your loved ones make healthy eating easy by sending a subscription to the Health My Lifestyle Meal Planner!
These meal plans are customizable, quick, 100% plant-based and oil-free, and of course—delicious!
4 months free!
“LOVE all the meals! I’m feeling full, satisfied, and more energetic!” —Morgan D.
© 2020 All rights reserved
Health My Lifestyle LLC
Use the handle to the left of a recipe to drag and drop it where you like.
Toggle the number of servings up or down to fit your needs.
Set servings to zero (0) to represent leftovers. The ingredients won't be added to your shopping list.
Click the plus sign (+) next to a meal time to add saved recipes, search recipes, add a note, or add a custom recipe.
Tap the three dots next to a recipe to View Recipe, Duplicate Item, Change Servings, or Remove Item.
Add a description to your meal plans.
Toggle nutrition facts on or off to track calories/macros if desired. Leftovers don’t count toward nutrition facts at this time so if your numbers seem low, check to see if any meals have a serving set to zero.
Like to cook with a page in front of you? Print it! This will print all recipes set to the number of servings you have on your meal plan. Recipes with zero servings will not be printed.
Once you have your meal plan how you want it, it’s time to generate a shopping list. Click this, select the days you want to shop for, then select the Shopping Cart icon again to create the list.
Find more tutorials on the Welcome page or see the frequently asked questions and answers in the Help Center.
To reference this tutorial later, you can find it under the Account menu item dropdown labelled “Getting Started Tutorial.”